Čestitam na prvom pozivu na svingersku zabavu. Ima mnogo toga za razmisliti prije nego što se obvežete, pa čak i nakon što odlučite otići. Međutim, svingerska zabava mogla bi se pokazati jednom od najuzbudljivijih noći u vašem životu. Evo 12 stvari koje trebate znati prije nego što odete na svoju...
Bracni par za druzenje mfm
Nova grupa vas očekuje
Ako ste na proputovanju ili prolazite pored lokacije,slobodno se javite,svratite,odmorite se i zabavite.Dozvoljeno je sve !!!
Travelling to San Sebastian at Spain for two nights at 29 and 30 of January next week Any sexy suggestions challenge????
Oslo i helga?
Vi er i Oslo i helgen og vil gjerne møte et annet par for fest, moro og kanskje litt sprell? 🥵
Our next club social is the 20th December 7pm onwards. Jingle those baubles and let’s have a great Christmas party! I'ts CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSS... Let's Party and start the Christmas Countdown with a bang.. or bangs lol. A great way to start the weekend celebrations at the club! We will have some fun...
Tickets / Eyes Wide Shut Party - 23/11/2024
We have accidentally bought more tickets for Eyes Wide Shut party on 23rd Nov in fun4two club in Netherlands https://www.fun4two.nl/eyes-wide-shut-24-index.html and would like to resell to anyone who might be interested. The original non-member ticket price we paid was 205 Eur per couple, if you...
Tantric Massage in Cap d’Agde?
Hello friends. Any recommendations for a good tantric massage in Cap d’Agde (Note: we are not looking for volunteers who think they can give a good massage 😂) September 10/11/12 2024.
Islan Rab (Croatia)
Is any hapening on island Rab (Croatia) Clubs? Places?
First time in CAP
Hello beautiful people... I will be in CAP for the first time from 24-29 June. Any couple or single woman around for drink with happy ending if there is 🔥... I would like to join also parties